QC Kinetix
The QC Kinetix center for regenerative medicine is the place to go when you think you’re out of options to resolve your pain. Have you been told invasive surgery is your best choice? Have you tried everything to eliminate the pain and immobility of your condition without success? Come to QC Kinetix.
At QC Kinetix, their regenerative treatments go to the root of your pain to resolve it at its source. They don’t try to mask your pain or attempt to manage it for you. Instead, they use regenerative medicine to harness and engage your body’s natural ability to repair itself.
QC Kinetix provides comprehensive regenerative medicine, including biologic therapies, laser therapy, nutritional support, and restorative injection treatments. While every patient may not be a candidate for each therapy QC Kinetix provides, they will help you to make the most appropriate decisions for your particular condition.