PJC Insurance Agency, founded over 50 years ago, is an independent insurance agency with a long history of serving the insurance needs of businesses and families in Southwest Missouri.
Our transportation department provides transportation coverages and services in 17 states. We offer a comprehensive range of products specifically designed to meet the changing needs of trucking companies. Our brokers and underwriters are focused on obtaining coverage for any of your transportation needs, with our experienced, long-term producers.
Our corporate vision is to be the premier insurance agency in our market by providing exceptional service, professional expertise and competitive pricing. We offer a spectrum of risk management and insurance products that support our business lines of commercial insurance, transportation coverages and services, personal insurance and surety bonding. We offer specialized insurance products through over 100 carriers with A ratings or above.
As a subsidiary of the Sunstar Insurance Group, we are part of the 36th largest independently owned insurance broker in the country. We continue our unrelenting focus on serving clients and positioning our agency to be the employer of choice in our industry.
1801 W. Norton Road, Springfield | 417-833-3800 | pjcinsurance.com