Best Dressed Winner: Jeremy Rabe
The TV co-host for Ozarks Fox AM describes his style as daring, bold and colorful.
By Katie Pollock Estes
Mar 2019

Co-host, "Ozarks Fox AM"
What three words define your personal style?
Daring. Bold. Colorful.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
This is a tough question because if you’ve seen some of my suits and outfits, many of these items could fall into the embarrassing category. Most people would not attempt to wear the clothes in my closet. It is definitely not for everyone. However, in sixth grade, I was attempting to be fashion-forward and wore a mesh T-shirt over a graphic tee (you know, layering) and got mocked endlessly. I now find it rewarding to be named one of the Best Dressed of 417. The sixth-grade me would be very shocked and excited! Yes, Jeremy, it does get better!
What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
Short shorts for men. They are back! And the color sage.
Where do you find inspiration for your closet?
Several places. I’m the type to see something I like (on TV, in movies, in magazines, etc.) and Google it to find out where I can buy it. The more colorful and crazy, the better. I want my closet to contain every color possible for whatever mood I’m feeling on any particular day. I also love to people-watch. If I see someone with a unique look or outfit, I’ll try to emulate that look. I always want to evolve in my look and in fashion. I never want to be in a fashion rut.
Who are your fashion role models?
Justin Timberlake, Ryan Reynolds, George Clooney
What’s your signature piece?
A bold blazer.
If you could wear one brand or designer for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Original Penguin. It’s my first shopping stop every time I’m in New York. The clothes are fun and colorful and unique. It is great for guys who don’t want to “blend in.” They have fantastic casual clothes as well as suits, accessories, shoes and bedding. They have it all.
What are your favorite places to shop in 417-land?
H&M at the Branson Landing, Macy’s, Modern Society Apparel, Target and Burlington.
The Best Dressed winners worked the runway at the 13th annual Fashionation on Saturday, April 6 at Springfield Expo Center.
Want more style? Check out 417 Magazine's Best Dressed Hall of Fame, all of whom walked the runway at Fashionation. There are suits with sparks of personality, 1940s inspiration and plenty of eclectic style.