Fall in Love with Cozy Autumn Decor
Bring the outdoors in by embracing fall inspired decor that will set the mood for cozy weekends spent at home.
By Heather Kane Kohler and Bree Swanson
Oct 2020

1. Vintage Floral + Lancaster Home CKK, $14.95 at Baglady Boutique; Yellow berry branches, $8 each at The Thicket | 2. Barr-Co, orange amber candle, $33 at The Thicket | 3. Season trees, $25 each at House Counsel | 4. Pumpkin plaid rag rug, $43 at House Council; Cream and mustard shag rug, $99.50 at Harrison House Market | 5. Voluspa Spiced Pumpkin Latte candle, $44 at The Market | 6. Creative Co-Op, fall mug, $12 at The Market | 7. “The Southerner’s Cookbook”, $37.50 at The Thicket | 8. Woodlands decor bowl, $89; Happy Harvest Dishtowel $6; Felt pumpkins, $8–$21; all available at House Counsel | 9. Etú Home Friendly flower board, $69 at House Counsel | 10. Creative Co-Op Inc. jute basket $59.50 at Harrison House Market; Bedford Collections Delray throw, $215 at The Market; Hot Skwash velvet pumpkins, $16–$48 at The Thicket