
How to Have a Yes Day in Springfield, Missouri

Treat your kids to a whole day of things to do around Springfield where the answer is never, ever “no.”

By Katie Pollock Estes

Aug 2024

kids eating
Photo by Ally JeppsenLetting your kids choose from any local restaurant is the perfect way to start your "yes day."

Have you heard of Yes Days yet? A Yes Day is all about spontaneity and letting kids spend a day feeling like they’re the ones in charge. It starts with you setting up a few simple ground rules—like placing limits on the amount of money you’ll spend or making sure everyone is crystal clear on the fact that you will not be acquiring any new live pets. After that, you let the kids take the lead, and you say “yes” to anything they ask to do. A few of my friends have indulged in Yes Days with their kids, but I still haven’t taken the plunge. To see how it might go, I asked my 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter what they’d choose if they could plan a Yes Day. Here’s what they picked—and, honestly, it sounds do-able! I think I see a Yes Day in our future.

First Up: Playing in the stream at Busiek State Forest & Wildlife Area. My kids love this place. It’s simple (and free!) but still feels like a relaxing break. They love to find a good spot on the gravel bar and entertain themselves skipping rocks, looking for impressive stones to take home, hunting for crawdads and kicking around in the water.

Second: Lunch at Druff’s. My son will always, always request a jalapeño-laden Good Doctor grilled cheese from Druff’s if he has the chance. My daughter likes the strawberry waffle. But me? My favorite part is that there are giant Julie Blackmon prints on the walls. 

Next: Game time at Village Meeple. This board game cafe is so much fun, no matter how old your kids are. Mine love it. And it’s just as much fun for adults and everybody in between. They have hundreds of board games you can play, so there’s always something new to try. 

And Finally: Treats from Lucky Cat Boba & Taiyaki. What’s not to love about build-your-own boba tea drinks and adorable little fish-shaped waffles with sweet fillings? It’s the ultimate indulgence, as far as my kids are concerned—and a great way to end a day of fun.

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