Pimp Cocktail from Touch Restaurant
The cocktail is crisp, refreshing and not at all sweet.
Written by Savannah Waszczuk | Photo by Vivian Wheeler
May 2016

We’ve all heard of the grapefruit diet—that fad diet that claims grapefruits contain certain enzymes that help you burn fat when you eat them before a meal. I once tried it in an effort to drop a few pounds, and I swore my pants felt looser after just a few short weeks. It’s practically a science, right? Well, I’ve been feeling a little hefty again lately, so I called up one of my best gal pals and asked her to meet me at Touch Restaurant (1620 E. Republic Rd., Springfield, 417-823-8383, touch-restaurant.com) so I could complain about my latest weight gain as I lost it on a pile of truffle fries. But then—right before I was about to order—I noticed the Pimp signature cocktail. Made of nothing but Skyy Grapefruit vodka and freshly squeezed grapefruit, I just knew the drink had to be swimming with those fat-burning enzymes. I took it as a sign and went with it, and I was delightfully surprised with my first sip. The drink is crisp, refreshing and not at all sweet—just like real grapefruit—and it finishes with that odd bitter kiss that all grapefruit-eaters learn to love. Now, is it actually low in calories or really proven to burn fat? Well, probably not. But it tastes good enough to make you not care—especially with a side of those fries.