Meet a Staffer Katherine Newman
On this page we introduce you to one of the people who make 417 Magazine happen. This month, meet our sales assistant, Katherine Newman.
Photo by Kevin O'Rilley
May 2016

Describe what you do at work day-to-day.
In a nutshell, I support the sales team. Whether it be generating leads, reviewing contracts, maintaining the sales carousel or keeping the sales department organized, I do everything I can to propel the team toward success. My job has jokingly been said to be like herding cats, which I think couldn’t more accurately describe what it’s like as a sales assistant trying to keep up with the agendas of five different sales reps!
Describe something you worked on that you’re proud of.
I must say that making it through this issue was pretty monumental. May is a big month, especially with Top Doctors. I have to give props to everyone, because the May issue is kind of a big deal. Seeing the end result is really satisfying.
What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever had to do for this job?
Working events is probably my favorite thing to do. We put on such fun events, so how could I not love being a part of them?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done at this job?
I think it was my second week working here when the Halloween costume contest happened, and I fully committed to being Beetlejuice. I glued moss to my face to prove I wasn’t afraid to fully submerge myself in the 417 culture. I hope to exceed that weirdness in the future, though.
What’s your favorite thing to do in 417-land?
The local restaurant and bar scene is my favorite thing about Springfield. I really enjoy the passion and creativity that local chefs and mixologists express through their work. I am constantly amazed by their dedication to create more than just an entrée or cocktail, but an unforgettable experience.
What’s your favorite piece of magazine lingo?
This isn’t technically magazine lingo, but one term used often on this side of the office is Mag Manager, one of the software programs we use. I enjoy alliteration, so that really does it for me.
What’s your favorite thing to eat that you can only find in 417-land?
I was introduced to Bambu a few months after moving here, and it was love at first bite. Nothing cures my wintertime blues like a giant bowl of broth and noodles. As for summer months, I can’t get enough of its avocado boba smoothie.
What celebrity would you most like to have coffee and conversation with?
Anthony Bourdain because he has the coolest job in the world. Not to mention that coffee with him would likely mean having the most delicious blend in an incredible setting with extraordinary people.
Do you have a nickname in the 417 Magazine office?
I’ve heard a few in the office: Kitty Kat, Kat Daddy and Newman (Seinfeld style).
What do you do in your free time?
I am an avid fan of movies, and I particularly enjoy seeking out movies that may have missed the big screen. I also enjoy writing, reading, being outdoors and sculpting miniature food. Yes, that’s right, sculpting miniature food.
What talent would you most like to have?
I have known a couple people over the years who have the ability to pick up any instrument and somehow master it in moments. I would love to have that talent.
What is your Facebook status right now?
I don’t update my status often, but my most recent post was a video that my roommate, Jonathan, and I collaborated on to aid in our search for a third roommate. I hope that by the time this is published, the video has proven to be a success.
What would your co-workers say is your most distinguishing feature at work?
I think the most unique trait would be my insatiable obsession with miniature things; from tiny sculptures to tiny houses, it has quickly become what I’m known for.