Kaye's Fashion Forward
Where did 2013 go? I’m pretty sure this time last year, my long list of resolutions seemed so doable. This year, I’m going to try something different. Here’s to hoping that a smaller list will be the key to accomplishing my 2014 resolutions!
By Kaye Lee
Jan 2014

5 Resolutions for the New Year
1. Smooth Operator
It’s been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Problem is, I never seem to make time for it. I love smoothies, so I’m hoping that a bright red smoothie machine will be motivation to create a healthy breakfast every morning. Blendtec Home Blenders, $434.95–454.95 at Everything Kitchens
2. My Phone Ate My Planner
I love the Google calendar on my phone, but I have to admit, I miss having a day planner. I use to have a planner with pretty pictures and inspirational messages, and Google calendar just sends me a boring email each morning. I look forward to adding back those pretty pictures and inspirational quotes. 2014 day planner, $26.50 at Baglady Boutique
3. Happy Feet
I wear high-heel shoes about 90 percent of the time. In fact, I only own one pair of flats. My feet are begging me to make a change, and thanks to stylish ballerina flats, I will. Animal print ballerina flats, $46 at Torn Boutique
4. The Perfect Blowout
This year, I want to master the art of the perfect blow dry. If done correctly and with all the right products, it should take about 15 minutes and last a few days.
5. Falling Off the Treadmill
I use to exercise regularly, but excuses have taken over. I’ve decided to think of it as a special event. When I have a party to attend, I get excited and start planning my outfit. New workout clothes will be an incentive to get me to the gym!