Georgia Hot Peach from Galloway Station
Conjuring the sweetness of a summer peach, this southern belle is sure to warm you up this winter.
By Ettie Berneking
Jan 2014

Georgia Hot Peach
Where to Get It: Galloway Station
1281 E. Republic Rd., Springfield, 417-881-9730, gallowaystation.com
Cost: $4
What’s Inside: Iced black tea, Full Throttle peach moonshine, orange garnish
What it Tastes Like: Not everyone loves winter as much as I do. I realize that. But it doesn’t stop me from singing praises about this whimsical, blustery, snow-covered time of year. I love everything about it: the layers of long underwear, the bulky scarves, the frosted car windows and especially the warm beverages that return each year once the first frost settles in. A recent trip to Galloway Station found me bellied up to the bar, searching for something warm and sweet to defrost the winter chill. When the owner suggested I try the Georgia Hot Peach, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Hot tea spiked with sweet peach moonshine didn’t scream my name, but apparently that’s just because we hadn’t met yet.
With each gulp, I fell more in love with this hot southern temptation. It’s toasty warm with a hint of peachy sweetness, and that lingering bite of black tea warms you from the inside out. To make this juicy libation, barkeeps simply steep Lipton black tea in piping hot water then, when it’s just right, they add a shot of peach moonshine. It’s perfect! Simple, flavorful and strong enough to warm you through but not so strong that you have to line up a sober driver before you order drink No. 2. Bring on the winter! I’ve got Georgia on my mind, and it’s sure to melt those winter blues.