Recycle your Christmas Tree in 417-Land 2015
After the holidays have come and gone and you’re looking for an easy, economical and environmentally friendly way to discard that big ol’ Christmas tree, there are a handful of organizations that can help.
By Erin Gregory
Dec 2015

Community members can help out their local Boy Scouts this year by taking their Christmas trees to Bass Pro Shops. In the Bass Pro parking lot on South Campbell Avenue, the Boy Scouts will place the discarded trees in semitrailers for the Department of Conservation to deliver to various fish habitats in the area. Trees must be stripped of décor and can be dropped off December 26 through January 1 from 12–6 p.m. Donations to the Boy Scouts are appreciated; for more information, call 417-883-1636.
Get started on your landscaping early this year, and donate your tree at Wickman’s Garden Village. Wickman’s will take customers’ trees and grind them into mulch right on the property. “Typically we ask for a $5 donation to a local charity,” says Russell Aldredge, General Manager of Wickman’s. “We will accept trees after Christmas Day during our normal business hours, Monday–Saturday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. All ornaments must be removed. If customers want to bring containers they can bring the mulch back with them.” For more information, visit or call 417-862-3707.
Shepherd of the Hills will be taking Christmas trees again this year for recycling at the Fish Hatchery. “Starting December 26 and going until January 10, the public can drop off trees 24 hours a day,” says John Miller, Interpretive Center Manager. “The specific location is across from the Hatchery Boat Ramp.” Look for “Tree Recycling” signs. If you need directions, come by the Hatchery Conservation Center (9 a.m.–5 p.m., 483 Hatchery Rd., Branson). Because these trees will be used for wildlife, be sure all decorations are removed. If you have three or more trees, please call the hatchery at 417-334-4865 extension 0 for disposal options.
In the city of Joplin, live Christmas trees may be donated December 26 through January 31 at the following locations: Humphreys Park on Utica Street, the parking lot on the southwest corner in McIndoe Park at Glendale Road and Jackson Avenue, and the Public Works Center at 1301 W. 2nd St. “Trees must be free of any decorations in order to be recycled,” says Mary Ann Phillips, recycling coordinator with the City of Joplin. Those interested in establishing fish habitats can pick up the discarded trees; the remaining will be chipped up with other tree limbs, and the resulting wood chips will be made available to the public. For more information, call 417-624-0820 extension 501.