miraDry Treatment
An FDA-approved treatment can make your pit stain days a thing of the past. One of our staffers gave it a try.
By Logan Aguirre
Dec 2015

My quality of life improved when I stopped stressing about my sweaty arm pits. You probably want to stop reading this because I said “sweaty arm pits,” and no one wants to talk about sweaty arm pits. But stick with me here, especially if you yourself ever have to worry about sweaty arm pits. If you’ve ever used prescription deodorant, or had to strategically plan your outfits so sweat won’t show through your shirt, or you sweat for no reason while you’re minding your own business and there is snow on the ground, then keep reading.
When I learned that LaFerriere & Kienstra Facial Plastic Surgery was offering a new treatment that prevents underarm sweating, I couldn’t get an appointment fast enough. The treatment is called miraDry®. More like Miracle Dry! This has been a game changer for me.
How it Works
This FDA-cleared, non-invasive treatment permanently eliminates underarm sweat and odor glands. The procedure takes less than two hours and works instantly. After a pre-consult with Dr. Kienstra, I made an appointment with his lovely medical aestethician, Jen Goddard.
Step 1:
Jen marked my underarms to determine the customized treatment area.
Step 2:
The RN, Veronica, gave me several numbing shots on each underarm to numb the area. (This part hurts a little or a lot depending on your tolerance to pain. I didn’t think it was too bad.) Then she injected saline into my underarms.
Step 3:
Jen used the miraDry machine to treat the area. The handpiece reminded me of a laser hair removal machine. When the handpiece is activated on your skin you feel a slight suction, then miraWave™ energy is delivered and the sweat and odor glands are destroyed.
Stop Sweating It
The procedure was a breeze, and the girl talk with Jen and Veronica made the time fly by. I was sent home with instructions to keep ice on my underarms for a day or two and take over-the-counter pain medication as needed. It took about a week for the puffiness from the saline and the tenderness from the procedure to go away.
Walking out of that office in mid-July when it was 90 degrees outside, I had no sweating. But it goes beyond the convenience factor. If you are a chronic sweater, it slowly chips away at your self-confidence and hangs over you as a constant worry throughout the day in social and professional settings. I no longer have to wear only dark colored shirts or worry that everyone can see my underarm sweat patches. It really, truly is a life-changing treatment. Hands up!