Leading Women
How do you define power? How do you define leadership? Nancy D. O’Reilly’s new book, Leading Women, aims to change the way you think about both of those.
Written by Ettie Berneking | Photo courtesy Nancy O’Reilly
Aug 2016

If there’s one main message woven through Nancy D. O’Reilly’s latest book, it’s this: Embrace the sisterhood! With O’Reilly at the helm, Leading Women is a primer of how to live, work and succeed as a woman in business, in leadership roles and in everyday life. Despite the topic (and there are many bound within these 193 pages), one message looms large: We women are stronger than we think, but we’re even stronger when we unite together. That’s even true for the book itself, which weaves together inspirational narratives from 20 successful women.
Philanthropists, CEOs, consultants, journalists, writers and educators grace these pages with their insight, wisdom and words of encouragement. One of the most encouraging parts of this read is its embrace of femininity. Rather than coach its readers on how to emulate their male counterparts, Leading Women encourages you to embrace the feminine qualities inherent in strong leaders. That’s right! Women make great leaders, so forget the not-so-flattering adjectives often attributed to women in roles of authority: bossy, demanding, and, let’s not forget, bitchy. Instead, think of nurturing, encouraging, trustworthy and empathetic. Once you’ve wrapped your mind around this, it’s easy to slip into each of the 20 narratives and eagerly soak up the lessons held within. Chapters range from learning how to be seen and heard at work to redefining power and gaining control of your own life and therefore your own happiness and sense of self-worth. As Lois P. Frankel, president of Corporate Coaching International, says, “Despite the fact that women lead all the time, they are not so bold as to call themselves leaders.” This book aims to change that. You can purchase a copy on Amazon and settle in for a good read.