RSVPaint’s Paint Your Pet Classes
Create a made-by-you canvas painting of your four-legged family members with RSVPaint’s Paint Your Pet classes.
By Kelsey Berry
Apr 2014

If you’re a pet lover, you have probably realized you’re a little different than everybody else. Your furry kid comes up in almost every conversation, and your friends think you need therapy because you have full-length conversations with someone who can’t say anything back.
RSVPaint, whose name stands for relax, sit, visit and paint, now has a special BYOB event called Paint Your Pet catered to all you pet lovers out there. Just email a high-quality picture of your furry friend to the studio, and RSVPaint instructors will trace your pet’s photo onto a canvas for you to paint during the class.
“We’ve had cows, roosters, geese and lots of dogs and cats,” RSVPaint artist John Coleman says. “A few people have come in multiple times. Some people even paint portraits of family members’ pets as keepsake gifts.”
Coleman says the class is a fun time for those taking it as well as for the studio artists. “It’s great on our end because we get to look at all these photos and then walk around and help you really make it look like your dog. These people’s pets are basically their children, so they just become a part of our family, too.”