Try Sno Bubble Tea’s Fluffy Take on Boba Tea
Sno Bubble Tea’s tea-and-cotton-candy combo is like something out of a dream—and the sweet drink tastes good to boot.
By Katie Pollock Estes
Oct 2019

If there’s one thing I learned from taking my 6-year-old son Oliver to try the Sno Cloud drink at Sno Bubble Tea (Battlefield Mall, 2825 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, 417-210-5169), it’s that treats don’t have to make sense to be a whole lot of fun. Why is the Sno Cloud’s cup shaped like a light bulb? What, exactly, does the flossy cloud of cotton candy add to the experience? The answers are: “I have no idea,” and “nothing.” But Oliver is not deterred by these questions. This drink looks outrageous, and that’s enough. Inside that bulb is the bubble tea drink of your choice (we opted for the not-too-sweet and perfectly fruity Lush Lychee made with lychee black tea and lychee jellies). There is no flavor benefit to adding sugar fluff on top of this drink. In fact, Oliver and I never even tasted the two together because he gleefully ripped the cotton candy off the top and devoured it before taking a sip. But who cares? It looked and felt like something from a cartoon, or the future, or a cartoon future—and we had so much fun digging in.