About Dr. Tama Franklin
Patients in Dr. Tama Franklin's office know right away they are anything but a number.
An OB/Gyn for nearly 20 years, Dr. Franklin has a reputation of being a doctor who spends time with her patients, who is compassionate, friendly and relaxed. Medical exams and discussions are part of every appointment, but so is a genuine "checking in" on each and every patient. Dr. Franklin's goal is to encourage and empower women, especially young mothers to be. Her desire is to see them set and achieve educational and lifetime goals and realize their dreams.
Medically, Dr. Franklin always encourages women to be vigilant about monthly breast exams. And, after 40, to have an annual mammogram (earlier if there's a family history of cancer). For pregnant women, Dr. Franklin's advice is crucial to a healthy baby: establish good OB care early! She's seen first-hand how following these simple instructions can save lives.
Whatever a woman's stage of life, in Dr. Franklin's office, women are seen, heard and valued.