We Are #417Strong
Get Ahead on New Years Resolutions
Ready to set your New Year’s resolutions? Get some inspo from Sarah Williams.
By Sarah Williams
Sep 01 2022 at 8 a.m.

The long summer nights and unstructured schedule have come to an end, and it’s a much better time to reclaim control of habits and set new goals. Fall’s sunny days that slowly turn cool are much more conducive to taking up running (again) than the cold, dreary January days where all I want to do is hibernate and eat bread.
Historically, I am not one to stick to resolutions. Partly because I don’t make them in the first place, but mostly because my particular brain balks at rules forced upon me. Even when I make the rules. However, this year, it’s a new me. We all know I will stop running the first day it dips below 70 degrees. But there are some resolutions I hope to actually keep.
For the Remainder of 2022
• I resolve to spend more time with friends. This can be complicated with juggling five kids and all of their activities, but I am a better person after a few hours with people who make me laugh and listen to the hard things.
• I resolve to pay attention to who is sitting alone at the football game and introduce myself. The pandemic was hard on us all, and initiating conversation might help the world feel a little less lonely.
• I resolve to find the best chocolate chip cookie recipe and bake them often. It is my life mission to eat delicious cookies. It’s a nice bonus that teenagers gather at homes where junk food flows freely.
• I resolve to cheer on the successes of others. My child might be the star. My child might sit on the bench. I will wildly cheer for our team all the same, knowing everyone wins when we support each other.
• I resolve to get lost in a good book, knowing an afternoon reading is time well spent.
• I resolve to be grateful for all that I have and all that I get to do. This life is a good one, and it helps to remember that.
• I resolve to believe the best about others. Seasons of life are hard and busy, so I will not take it personally when a friend is slow to respond.
• I resolve to support high school drama productions, area bands and locally owned restaurants. The talent in this community is amazing, and I love watching people shine.
Resolving to be a decent human and to do what I love seems like resolutions that will be easy to keep. Like any worthwhile goal, I won’t do it perfectly. I have bad days and ugly thoughts. But it’s been a long few years, so doing my part to make the world a little brighter feels like important work right now.
I don’t want to brag, but I think this might be the year I actually follow through. Sticking to resolutions can be difficult, but discovering the perfect chocolate chip cookie will be the sweetest reward.