Jamie Thomas | Digital Editor | 417 Magazine
Jamie Thomas is the Digital Editor at 417 Magazine.
Jan 2023

Jamie Thomas
Digital Editor
Jamie Thomas is the Digital Editor at 417 Magazine. Jamie started at 417 in May of 2019 as Multimedia Editor and has since moved into a role managing 417’s digital content and presence.
What was the first thing you worked on at 417?
My first real story for 417 was a harrowing experience but I am still here.
What's your favorite part of your job at 417?
Constantly learning how to do something new.
What is your favorite place in 417-land?
I’m a recent convert to Mother’s Backyard.
Are you from 417-land? If not, where did you grow up and what keeps you here?
I grew up in a small town in south Wales in the UK. How I ended up here is a long story, but what keeps me here is the variety of stuff—culture, things to do, food, craft beer—in such a small area.
What’s the best concert you’ve been to?
Black Sabbath in Kansas City in 2016. They were my gateway into music when I was about 15 and I never thought I’d be able to see them live—especially not with the (mostly) original lineup. It was teenage-me dream come to true to see Ozzy Osbourne live on stage, even if he did look like a particularly energetic little old lady.
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I like both, but if I have to pick I’m definitely a dog person.
What’s something about you that people would be surprised to learn?
I wrote all these questions.
Coffee or tea?
It used to be tea as is required under the rule of the royal family, but since moving to the US I have very much become a coffee person. I still like tea, but I need coffee.
Are you a sports fan? Who are your favorite teams?
If you consider professional wrestling a sport, yes. I think of it more as very physical improv theater.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Very much a night owl.
Coffee or tea?
It used to be tea as is required under the rule of the royal family, but since moving to the US I have very much become a coffee person. I still like tea, but I need coffee.
What’s your least favorite household chore?
I am an avid podcast listener. I don’t have a least favorite chore.
Can you speak more than one language? Which ones?
I can speak very rudimentary Welsh.
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Bass guitar. Especially if I was good enough to play it fretless.
What three items would you take with you to a desert island?
A phone, full signal and a fueled-up helicopter or seaplane.