Home Decor

Porch Designs with Spring Color

Robbin Heberlie’s porch designs will leave you dreaming of new color combinations and endless possibilities.

By Michelle Lewis

Mar 2023

Photo by BRP PhotoRobbin Heberlie’s eclectic style and refreshing color palette bring cozy comfort to an otherwise modern outdoor space.

Each of Robbin Heberlie’s porches is intentionally designed around entertaining guests and close friends. Before choosing the decor for the space, Heberlie begins with visualizing and choosing the perfect furniture. “I don’t have a certain style, I just kind of know in my mind what I want to do with a space and then put it together,” she says. 

When searching for new pieces, Heberlie spends most of her time at antique stores and thrift stores. Many of her decorations for her porches come from one-of-a-kind elements that many wouldn’t expect to be placed in an outdoor setting. 

Heberlie’s biggest tool while decorating? An endless array of colors. She isn’t afraid to experiment with colors in each of her porches, especially in the springtime. Alongside these colors, Heberlie loves to mix patterns and textures. She pairs wicker and florals next to ginger jars and brass or rattan and chinoiserie next to seashells and silver. The result is spaces filled to the brim with color and eclectic decorations. 

How To Bring Your Porch to The Next Level

1. The Porch Swing 

Growing up, Herberlie remembers swinging on her grandmother’s porch and always told herself she would have a swing of her own one day. Today, Heberlie’s front porch features a daybed swing that she says has been the location of numerous naps on warm days. She says a porch swing just might be the most important thing to include on your porch and encourages choosing one that works for the size of your space. 

2. Shade and Shelter 

To create a porch that is long-lasting, Herberlie encourages opting for a covered porch. With direct sunlight or exposure to rain, many of your decorations will begin to rapidly fade. Utilizing any form of covering will not only protect your decorations from the elements, but will also allow you to use the space even when it is raining.

3. Electrical Outlets 

Something many do not consider is the placement of electrical outlets for their porches. Heberlie says her porches would not be the same if she was unable to place lamps into the space. With the added electric outlets, she has the ability to create a cozy space that she enjoys being in. “It makes it feel like an extension of your home instead of feeling like you are sitting outside,” she says.