How One Craft Captures the Essence of the Ozarks
One young furniture maker takes on a craft with deep roots in the Ozarks and learns the trade along the way from rustic furniture makers before him.
By Heather Kane Kohler
Apr 2025

Jacob Sommers’ furniture designs are driven by the natural shape and character of wood. He lets each piece decide what it will be, and he and sources all his materials—walnut, oak, maple, cedar—from the forests of the Ozarks where he has spent most of his life. Sommers’ love for the rolling hills of the Ozarks, the lakes and the trees, is what influences his work the most these days, but it was his grandparents’ custom furniture store, Bears to Chairs, that sparked his interest when he was younger. “They owned a custom furniture gallery and sold pieces from all Ozark craftsmen,” he says. “I’ve just always had an interest in furniture making.”
As Sommers got older he honed his craft, learning what he could from craftsmen all across the Ozarks. With many of his mentors retiring, Sommers found that when they learned of his unique passion for building rustic style furniture, they were generous with their knowledge and glad to pass down their different methods and techniques. “I have been so fortunate to make such great connections with local craftsmen; everyone has had little bits of wisdom to offer,” says Sommers. “They are happy to see the craft continue here.”
Sommers takes a lot of pride and care for his work, just as the craftsmen before him have. “Everyone is so passionate about this craft,” says Sommers.
Overall, Sommers likes to keep his work rustic but high-end feeling. “I don’t want any of it to feel too crude,” says Sommers. He’s often working on custom projects for clients, like his current project, a set of adirondack chairs for a dock at the lake. “I enjoy really making a connection with someone and really making them a piece they will enjoy,” says Sommers. Creating something new and different is something he strives to do as well. One piece he calls the Table Rock pub table stands out as one of his more unique works. “The wood was sourced locally from Lampe, Missouri,” says Sommers. The main log is cedar and I used boat cleats for foot rests.” The epoxy coat he added to the table gives it a shiny, glossy look. “It reminds me of water and of the lake,” says Sommers. “It’s one of my favorite pieces I’ve done.”